Sign and save it. Words with strangers. Hidden dangers. Time, the Wiser. Patronizer. Truth belies her. Call off the hounds. By leaps and bounds, She’ll move ahead. Get out of bed And seize the sandwich, A Mighty Manwich For a sloppy Joe. That so and so Really earns it. Digs the soil and turns it. To watch things grow From the field’s edge. Nut and sedge Look like they’re thriving. While she’s conniving. Stays indoors. Tracks mud on the floors, With no thought to after. Bird shit rafters and cozy mess. That’s my job, I guess. 2/18/21 Sleek panache
Summer squash Either Orville Ivy gin mill Blue daze halo Leaking Pthalo Metastatic Sea of plastic Catching fire Blacking spire Roof requires A hungry ire Now official Under a bushel Vena cava Spewing lava Die dramatic Wretch emphatic Phiharmonic Vodka tonic Tonight, we spiral Catching viral Wiley walloped Filthy polyps What you wanted Friendships haunted Dripping diesel Heart a weasel Well, I never Think you’re clever Falling forward Filthy torpor Hence, required Luck transpired. Yeah, you got this. Pull over. I gotta piss 12/5/20 Thimble, thimble
Fingers nimble Arms akimbo Mole and dimple Marsha, Marsha Time has come. Light goes dark Day in the sun. Thoughtful purpose Mind regress Skirt and sweater Party dress Take your place Out on the floor. Clicky, clacky Tacky roar After Hours Silent scream. Not as perfect As its' seams. Come off it, Marsha We’re here to help. Paint lipstick on Your wooden yelp. Soon the circus On parade. All around, The friends you’ve made. But dream of more Out in the ether, While on a pedestal, Your place is neither. Zone S1E34 Room lies stagnant.
Talk is cheap. Bottles fragment. Wishes deep. Mist of hope Clings like failure. Up in smoke, These dreams regale you. There are no tricks. There is no cure. The River Styx. You must endure. Peek at what You’ll find in store. Wish you had One, two, three, four. Shiny consequence, Behind the line, Follows blindly, Marking time. Now I have it. Now you don’t. Make a habit Of what they won’t. Look around. Prepare what comes. All this wishing, Flapping gums. 3/25/23 Zone S2E2 Wigwam
Tiger blam Little sister At the prom Fortnight Isle of White Little brother’s Overbite Windex Apoplect On the village I put a hex Fist fight Outta sight Wish I may Wish I was right Which will Overkill Pale of water Jack and Jill Fun facts Acrobats Elder neighbor Feeds feral cats Let’s make a deal When you’re ready The squeaky wheel And pink confetti 1/8/21 Back in practice.
Prickly cactus. What’s worth saving Might retract us. Face needs shaving. Ring engraving. Ornery cowlick Still behaving. Wayward satellite Flickers shiny white, While we savor Our look in candlelight. Nosy neighbors Know they’re always right. Succulent flavors Melt in the afterbite. Three cheers for trying. Bully if you’re buying. Sometimes it’s worth lying, Stop your opalescent crying. Not my favorite alibying. Though lovely day for it. Identifying While we pay for it. This Splendiforous Lollygagging. And euphoneous #Hashtagging Deemed erroneous. Sour milk. Hot Plutoneous In strands of silk 12/2/20 Space needle
Wonder wheedle Wet whistle Thorn and thistle Ectoplasm Low back spasm Hurtle turtle Fancy girdle When you’re winning In the ninth inning World is open No more hoping No more wishing No more guessing Tomorrow stressing Salad dressing Moment savored Lingered, labored Captured, kissed An optimal trist Life in focus A or B Alarm awoke us Coughing smoke us Ran downstairs Break window chairs Get out in time On the lawn we’re fine Watch with wonder Born asunder Past to cinder Buried under 1/3/21 Tense tarantula
Melted spatula Bubble morning Fever forming Fine. What have you Heated igloo Boring patience Call to stations At the ready Holding steady No turn back Blow your stack Pot boils over Four leaf clover Like so many Wishes when we So much younger Fire and hunger Beneath the surface Youthful purpose Now, it’s tempered Fields are peppered With subtle seasons Weathered reasons Call it even Thoughts worth leaving So much more At human core 1/2/21 Spinal snap
Danger trap Bouncy, bouncy On your lap Knee deep Shearing sheep What you wanted Mine to keep Rich plantation Deep equation Squeeze your sensory Deprivation Camp Towanga Reading Manga Hear the phone ring Ringing longer Spectral vision Deep incision Migraine headache Intuition Once regarded Now departed Piano left me Broken hearted Songs that sing Echoes ring Sounds so pretty Words that sting 12/23/20 Forever finding
Watches winding. In an instant, Contract binding. Beneath the shadow Of a swooping owl, Steps the orphan Cloaked in a cowl. Bright the moon This early morn. By hooted calling, The day is born. A New Year’s promise. Start again. Hopeful solace. Another plan. I lift my head And hold the sun. While under bed, The moon has gone. Year’s another. Dreams aim high. I’d have my druthers If they’d learn to fly Like the owl Or call of loon Out to others Beneath the moon. 1/1/21 On falling stars,
In weeping feathers, She howled at life Or death, That strangled her Violently, then Hymned her to sleep And left me An orphan, Wandering Wondering Wailing Wanting A moment A minute A mile in those shoes. A rag To cry into. Torn ribbons For the blues 10/4/89 Yarn untangles
Words with angles, Bent on twisting. Ball and fisting. Glory, pan seared, Burns the palette. Story, dog eared, Sculptor’s mallet Too heavy to wield. Too far afield. Horizon’s open promise. Heaven’s out of focus. Feelings, token solace With empty, broken purpose. They’re trolling for a sherpa To take them to the peak. Just like wells for wishing, It's echoes that they seek. A Tiskit, a taskit I’m not afraid to ask it. Why this binding? Why this tension? Why this shimmer, Silver screen invention? Unconscious winning. Contentious losing. Affected mercy. Infectious choosing. Submit my offer To yonder lady ether. Like a coin in cozy coffer, It clangs to pretty please her. 12/31/2O |
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